
Thursday, April 26, 2018

More on Body Systems :D

Visit the following links to learn more about body systems :) 

        Learn about skeletal system interactively, then take a quiz to check what you learned:

Resultado de imagen para skeletal system

Learn about nervous system interactively, then take a quiz to check what you learned.

Resultado de imagen para nervous system for kids

Learn about muscular system interactively, then take a quiz to check what you learned.

What are forces and motion?

Whether you know it or not, you are surrounded by ‘forces’ every day. Force is just another word for the pull or push action that makes things move or to change the motion of an object due to the push or pull action.

Everything around us and in the universe works on the concept of force. This can include the waving of a tree limb in a breeze all the way to the turning of a planet in a galaxy. They all work with the concept of ‘force’.

Watch the following videos to learn more about forces and motion! 

Force and motion 

Push and Pull

Song about Forces and Motion

What is force?

Force and Motion

Have you ever wondered about the following?

Why do things fall to the ground?

Why does a bicycle speed up as it rolls downhill?

Why do you sometimes feel a floating sensation on a roller coaster?

Resultado de imagen para isaac newton  for kids

Let us know about your theories to answer to those questions in the comment section bellow. Thanks in advance :)

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Book Week

Once you learn to read, you will be forever free."

Hello boys and girls! This is a very special week for our school, it's book week and we have lots of activities going on. We remind you about some of them: 

Book campaign: We need to collect all of your old books (in good conditions). They will be taken to Huillinco Alto School in Contulmo. You need to take the books to the Junior Library and your school house will get one point per book. 

Dress your door: You will dress our classrooms' doors with different inventions and information related to books. We will work in groups and creatively.

Class book creation: We will create a book (as a class) about a specific topic. 

Poster promoting reading: You will create posters to promote reading in the school. You can work on this at home and bring them to be shared with our community. You can also use any free time at school to work on this. 

Readathon: You can visit the Junior Library and read from 40 to 120 minutes (you have to pay $500 every 40 mins). You will get 5 points for your school house every 40 mins you read!! All the money collected will be used to buy new dictionaries, which are always needed.

Book parade: You will have the chance to come dressed up as your favorite book characters. You have to make your own costume creatively (please do not rent).

Sharing Assembly: The theatre company "El Diluvio" will visit us. 

We really hope you enjoy all the variety of activities you will be involved in during this week. Remember, reading can be a special activity which you honor everyday by reading even just a little bit. 

Please, tell us about your favorite book in the comment section! Who did write it? Why do you like it? How did that book get to you? Thanks in advance for sharing with us.

Resultado de imagen para phrases about reading

Resultado de imagen para phrases about reading

Resultado de imagen para phrases about reading

Monday, April 23, 2018

Lifestyle Choices

During this week, we will be starting our new unit of inquiry which is part of the ransdiciplinary theme Who we are.

Central Idea: 
Lifestyle decisions affect how body systems work, impacting health and survival.

Resultado de imagen para Lifestyle decisions affect how body systems work, impacting health and survival.  Resultado de imagen para Lifestyle decisions affect how body systems work, impacting health and survival.

Imagen relacionadaThe lines of Inquiry are: 
  • The body is made up of several systems that are interdependent.
  • Forces make objects and bodies move.
  • Lifestyle choices affect  the body (alcohol,drugs, sedentary lifestyle, exercise).

Resultado de imagen para Lifestyle decisions affect how body systems work, impacting health and survival.  Resultado de imagen para Lifestyle decisions affect how body systems work, impacting health and survival.  Resultado de imagen para Lifestyle decisions affect how body systems work, impacting health and survival.

During this unit we will be:
Resultado de imagen para balanced ib learner profileResultado de imagen para reflective ib learner profileResultado de imagen para reflective ib learner profile

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Prevention and preparation reduce the impact of natural disasters

Resultado de imagen para ONEMI
How do countries prevent the consequences of natural disasters? 
Resultado de imagen para ONEMI
In Chile there is a very important institution that depends on the Government.
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Resultado de imagen para ONEMI

Click on this link to visit their website: Here you will find daily alerts.
 Resultado de imagen para ONEMI Resultado de imagen para ONEMI

Resultado de imagen para ONEMI  Resultado de imagen para ONEMI 

Resultado de imagen para ONEMI  Resultado de imagen para ONEMI
Resultado de imagen para ONEMI Resultado de imagen para ONEMI

Institutions in Chile

1- Grouping As you know people live together with other people making communitites. There are small communities like your family and...

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