
Friday, September 28, 2018


World Biomes and Ecosystems

What is an ecosystem? 

Imagen relacionadaEach individual plant and animal could not exist by itself on planet Earth. All living organisms need millions of other living organisms to survive. How these organisms interact with the sun, soil, water, air and each other in a specific area is called an ecosystem. 

An ecosystem describes a specific area where the organisms work together as a unit. It could be any size from a tiny pool of water to hundreds of square miles of desert. Each ecosystem is different and each has established a balance over time that is important to every form of life within the ecosystem. 

What is a biome? 

A biome is way to describe a large group of similar ecosystems. Biomes have similar weather, rainfall, animals, and plants. There are a number of biomes on planet Earth. See the map of the world biomes below. 

Map of the world biomes
Map of the world biomes.

Click on the biomes below to learn more about each one. 

Land Biomes

Aquatic Biomes
Resultado de imagen para aquatic biomes collage

The Balance of the Ecosystem 

Ecosystems maintain important balances in order that all the organisms within the ecosystem can survive. These balances involve food, water, oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon. 

The sun provides the energy needed by ecosystems. Plants take this energy and use photosynthesis to create sugar which they can use for energy. Nutrients in the soil, the air, and water also play a part in keeping an ecosystem thriving and in balance. 

Some important cycles that occur in ecosystems to help maintain proper balance include:

Humans and the Ecosystem 

Humans have adversely affected many ecosystems and biomes throughout the world. Cutting down trees, developing land, growing crops, burning fossil fuels, overfishing, and overhunting are just some of the ways that we have upset the balance of nature. 

We invite you to discuss the following questions with your family, classmates or teachers: 

How can we protect ecosystems in our area?

What are some of the different types of Ecosystems?

 Is the ecosystem important? Why?

What is destroying the ecosystem?Mention some examples.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Adapt or Die!

Resultado de imagen para adapt or die

Does it mean it is the best way to do it? 

Resultado de imagen para adapt or die

Can you think about examples of species who have adapted or died? 

Why do you think they could or could not make it? 

Imagen relacionada

Who does the man in the video represent? 

Do you think his way of living affects other species and ecosystems? Please give some examples.

How could the man in the video change his attitude in a positive way?

What is biodiversity? Why is it important?

What would happen if we took appart one element from any ecosystem? 

Move, Adapt or Die

Monday, September 24, 2018

Climate Change

Watch the following videos and reflect 
about these questions:

Before the Flood Official Trailer #1 (2016) Leonardo DiCaprio Documentary Movie HD

How much do you know about global warming?

Is there anything we can do to stop it? Think about actions you can do at home, at school, in your whole community to help.

Why is it important to fight against global warming?

How does climate change affect animals? | Global Ideas

Ecosystems and Climate Change

How is climate change connected to animals? Can you give some examples?

What can animals do to survive
if the ecosystem they inhabit is threatened?

Sharing the Planet

Hello kids, we are starting a new unit of inquiry called "Life and change". We want to begin this journey by letting you know about the central idea and the lines of inquiry which will lead our investigations. We hope you enjoy it !!!

Central Idea:

Living organisms depend on natural resources and transform them to meet their needs.

Resultado de imagen para life and change 

Lines of Inquiry:

  • Organisms have a specific function in a food chain.
  • Changing ecosystems provoke adaptation.
  • Living things and natural resources adapt and interact in ecosystems.

Resultado de imagen para ecosystem

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Art Techniques Using Colour Pencils

Hi kids, through this post we would like to share with you some simple techniques you can use when drawing and colouring with your coloured pencils.

We hope you enjoy them and try them at home, then be a risk taker and use them when working at school :D

12 Simple Colored Pencil Techniques

How to use colored pencils! Layering, blending, & more!

How to Draw Easy Step by Step 

22 absolutely brilliant drawing tips for beginners.

Institutions in Chile

1- Grouping As you know people live together with other people making communitites. There are small communities like your family and...

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